Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Getting ready for the Playstation 4 launch... the Zero Second Cooldown way!

Hey everyone! As I'm sure you know, it's Dustin, the video game guy behind Zero Second Cooldown, and today I'm here to talk to you all a bit about our plans for the imminent PS4 launch!

I have a lot of fun stuff planned... some of which will happen tonight! No, no, I was not invited to any Sony launch press events or anything, nor do I have a Playstation 4 yet, but I assure you, there WILL be content tonight, mark my words!

Anyways, on Friday, like many others, I'll be receiving my console from Amazon, and by that time I'll have anywhere from 3-4 retail games and will probably have a small handful of digital games to play. I'll do my best to write reviews of, at the least, Knack and maybe Killzone, but no guarantees other than that.

What will happen, however, is video content, and hopefully a lot of it! There will be some minor complications with this, however, that I'll work on getting settled as soon as I can. The main issue is that, due to HDCP on the PS4 currently, unless the HDMI splitter I have also functions as an HDCP stripper, I won't be able to use my capture card. Luckily, with Twitch.tv streaming on the PS4, I should be able to livestream all of the games I play and then separate them onto videos for Youtube. So this weekend, expect a LOT of videos and live streaming! I can guarantee that Friday (depending on when exactly I get my Playstation 4 from Amazon) and more than likely Saturday (Saturday may even include some local multiplayer) for a lot of video content throughout the launch weekend!

So, in case you're worried about missing anything, I will be Tweeting out when I go live at the start of my livestreaming and when I switch games if you're interested in certain games, so keep an eye out on twitter, where you can find me at @Smedwicks

If you don't use Twitter, but are still wanting to make sure to catch my streams, just make sure to follow Smedwicks on Twitch.tv to be notified on when I'm streaming.

I'm excited as much as anyone else for the PS4's launch this weekend, and really hope to provide some great content for you after a rather dry spell here on Zero Second Cooldown!


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